Sunday 12 May 2013

Crash and Burn

I am looking forward to my break.  It is well deserved and needed.  But a week into enjoying the sleep-ins and casual drink, I get a gastro bug from Lachlan.  I try to push through it thinking it will go away but after a couple of days of it I decide that the only thing I can do is starve it and eat nothing for a couple of days.  I am meant to be indulging yet I spend 2 days of a weekend without eating a thing.  It is a great weight loss technique though with 3 kilos shed in 2 days.  By the third day I am eating rice crackers and after 5 days I am eating simple foods.  This is not the way that I wanted to spend my time off!  Eventually I am back to eating normally again but the gastro bug has taken it's toll on my body.  A week after overcoming the bug,  I am struck down with the flu.  Again the worst of it is over a weekend so I am stuck in bed for two days.  The worst thing though is that it is Easter.  Again I should be out enjoying myself and catching up with friends, something I have not had a chance to do for months.  But no, I am stuck in bed, my body aching just hoping to get better soon.  After a week, I am feeling a lot better.  Work now takes over and for the next two weeks I am flat out traveling and catching up.  Before I know it 5 weeks has passed and the worst thing is, I feel like I have not had a break!  I have missed the start of the swim term and begin to get frustrated that I am not dong anything. Regardless of the fact that my body has not had a huge rest, it is time to get back into the pool.

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